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OMG! UGC, CGC, EGC, USB – One of these things is not like the others, but WTF does it all mean?

If you’ve ever thought that the digital marketing world involves one too many acronyms, we have some bad (*but informative) news for you.

Obviously we specialise in UGC at Sticki, but as 2024 short-form video trends begin spitting out newer terms like CGC and EGC, we’re here to help you set them apart.

A quick glossary in reverse alphabetical order:

  1. UGC = User-Generated Content
  2. EGC = Employee-Generated Content
  3. CGC = Customer-Generated Content

Whilst all three are stylistically and visually similar in content format, it’s the person in front of the camera that differs – and consequently, the weight of their words.

UGC: Briefed & Curated Masterpieces

Content pieces that are more polished, curated, and produced with guidelines in mind.

Sure, content creators should definitely add their own unique flair and TOV to any UGC produced because that best aligns with their audiences’ preferences and perceptions of them, but UGC almost always has a brief in action behind the scenes.

We wouldn’t call it scripted per se, but it is created with brands and expert input.

This allows for certain perks, including (but not limited to)

  • Quality Assurance
    • UGC development often accompanies editing in post, whether that involves adding captions or background music or swanky transitions to make the videos a more engaging watch.
  • Brand Alignment
    • Collaboration from start to finish (that is, between creator and agency and business) means that UGC aligns with brand guidelines and objectives. Messaging is crafted based on the stories a brand wants to tell, then brought to life via the mouthpiece that is our talented and vetted creators.
  • Trust & Relatability
    • The value of UGC lies in its “third-party” source, which humanises brands on social media. Fact: 45% of people will unfollow a brand online if they appear too self-promoted, and there truly is an added air of credibility when creators you love promote a product / service in ways that sound natural.

EGC: Transparent Truth-Telling

Exactly what it says on the tin, EGC is when employees create ‘UGC-style’ content, and explicitly present themselves as staff – not pretend third-party creators.

Armed with transparency grenades and the type of exclusivity that only comes from being privy to secrets not accessible to all, EGC offers authenticity in a different way.

That is, offering a behind the scenes look into the real people and culture of a brand.

Coming from sources that also have the most knowledge of a brand, product or service, EGC offers greater authority and has statistically been proven to boost engagement rates.

Other plus points include:

  • Shareability
    • Maybe you’ve noticed this for your own business, but LinkedIn posts by individual employees typically outperform content shared by brands. And it works the same with EGC – which receive 8X more engagement than brand content, and are reposted up to 24 times more.
  • Differentiation from Competitors
    • Want your brand to be more memorable than others? Capitalise on the stories and personalities of your stellar hires with EGC, that put a face to your brand and showcase qualities your target audience might appreciate!

CGC: 100% Genuine Customer Reviews

Untamed and unfiltered. Produced by customers who have genuinely tried, tested, and LOVED your offering, CGC’s value lies in honesty and authenticity.  

Not pseudo organic like its curated close cousin UGC, it’s far less scripted and presents genuine reactions from end users themselves… Not just a creator that represents your target audience.

What does that mean for you?

  • Social Proofing
    • Establishes your business as a reliable, reputable source of whatever it is your customers want. 98% of shoppers check reviews prior to committing to a purchase, and sharing CGC pretty much brings those customer testimonials to them… Talk about mind-reading!

But to be fair, the benefits of CGC and UGC and EGC all intersect somehow, and these terms are often used interchangeably.

Anything with that three letter acronym ending with C (*meaning USB was the anomaly, if that still needed clarification) implies it’s a short-form piece of content with a creator in it, and has the potential to be really high-converting assets for your brand.

Especially if made by Sticki. Chat with us today to bring your ideas to life!

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